Wanglin, Rob and Greg, as representatives of M-NEX, participated in the Kick-off meeting of SUGI-Nexus (Sustainable Urban Global Initiative: Food-Water-Energy Nexus) of Belmont Forum/JPI-Urban Europe at Clerkenwell Green, London, June 11-12, 2018. The kick-off meeting collected more than 45 delegates from 15 granted projects out of 88 full proposals. This was the first time for Belmont Forum to have such a kick-off meeting when a new research program starts up.
The two days meeting was very interactive and insightful. Following the opening and introduction of SUGI-Nexus was a cavalcade session. Each project delivered 2 minutes pitch with two slides about the essence of their project. Then the delegates were separated into 9 groups cross projects. The Internet tool, mentimeter, was used to distribute questions and collect answers for panel discussion in real-time.
Through the diverse discussions and communications the delegates and support staff shared the scopes and missions of SUGI-Nexus program, exchanged ideas, discussed the key elements for successful management (leadership, collaboration and stakeholders), explored opportunities to overcome challenges and barriers in silo-based FEW management.